Past Events

Each full day conference is targeted at a unique industry and developed to answer the critical questions presently facing today’s top organizations.


Available in major markets across Canada, The Art Of conferences attract an exclusive audience of over 20,000 business leaders, decision makers, and entrepreneurs each year.


I have been a big fan & supporter of The Art of... conferences since the very beginning, simply because I believe it delivers real, actionable, business value. Thank you for helping me, and many others in the endless pursuit of knowledge.

David Yee,
Vice President, Sales Aon Risk Services

Joey Coleman gets it - he understands what makes customer relationships terrific. Understanding how our customers see the relationship is just the first step in building rewarding customer relationships that last a lifetime.

Michael Ramsay,
Director Deloitte Canada

Bill created a very tailored training day focussing on key competencies, guiding all to complete and integrate a detailed action plan for improvement.

Tina Veenstra,
Learning Specialist Saint Elizabeth Health Care

Fantastic Event... Very resourceful for Managers at all levels & of all areas!

Kara Lee Miller,
Senior Manager Talent Development CARA

Joey offers a unique and insightful take on customer experience; a topic that is well-covered but rarely covered well.

Deloitte Canada

Phenomenal combination of speakers & topics. Perfection collected at one time and one place for every executive - VERY EFFECTIVE!

Patrick Morello,
President LANDinc

Past Events