
  • Retaining Your Customers

    W. Brett Wilson

    A lot of people under estimate the value of “Customer Retention”, as I call it. As so that really comes down to making sure that your brand is always in their mind...

  • Why Leaders are so Crucial

    Gretchen Rubin

    Leadership is crucial because it’s so easy to burn up time, energy, money and people’s attention in ways that aren’t productive. You need a leader who’s going to...

  • How to Gain Trust

    Dr. Robert Cialdini

    In the first three minutes of a call to optimize trust… turns out there’s a strategy that creates instant influence through instant trustworthiness. It is to...

  • Should Your CIO/CMO be in Charge?

    Martin Lindstrom

    I actually think that the Chief Information Officer, in principle should or could be in charge but I don’t think it’s going to happen because they do sit in isolation. In fact, what...

  • Why Sales is a Very Human Endeavor

    Daniel H. Pink

    What I think is so fascinating about sales is that it’s something that – ultimatel when it's done well, when it’s done right – is something that is fundamentally human...

  • When to Let Go

    Amy Cuddy

    I have no magic answer to how I got through the head injury. And I don’t think you ever really completely do, because that kind of injury, which is called a diffuse axonal injury, injures...