Study Something New
As a small business owner, obviously with anybody, you have to really be constantly learning and I have a very different point of view...
As a small business owner, obviously with anybody, you have to really be constantly learning and I have a very different point of view...
Now the second book actually has the word awesome in it because I use it so much in my life and in my talks and my business so it’s the...
Some of the key takeaways that are applicable for sales professionals from my book, “Your Network Is Your Net Worth,” is...
When you’re very good at something, or maybe when you’ve done very well at climbing a ladder in one sphere and you become...
I struggle and yet I do get things done. I think ultimately I just give myself deadlines, often artificial, and take them seriously. This paper...
To be a leader in a marketing organization really hasn’t changed. Great leaders create a group of individuals around them that know that...
There are five “intangibles” or five markers I discovered in 1974 that we all possess. First is self-discipline. That means you really are...
Playing hockey with men is easier actually in some ways. I think when you’re dealing with guys – guys just typically want to know what...
A lot of people worry about things that they can’t control I always somewhat smilingly say if you can’t control – control it - why are you...
The rewards that have been the most effective are actuallyvirtual instant gratification rewards. These are things like content downloads...
As a leader visioning is a really difficult process because what you’re doing is actually prophetically imagining a future that doesn’t exist...
The things that we see that the challenger does differently, again, are teaching, tailoring, and taking control at the competency level. If I were to sum...