Herb Cohen
Bestselling Author of You Can Negotiate Anything & Negotiate This! By Caring But Not T-H-A-T Much

There’s an art to deal-making and negotiating, and it’s an art that few people possess. Herb Cohen is one of those people. He knows what is involved in negotiating, as well as the indispensable tools required to be effective.
Often called the "World's Best Negotiator," during the past three decades, Herb Cohen has been a practicing negotiator, intimately involved in some of the world's headline dramas, from hostile takeovers to hostage negotiations. His clients have included business executives, entrepreneurs, sports and theatrical agents plus large corporations as well as governmental agencies, such as The Department of State, F.B.I., Conference of Mayors, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
While serving as an adviser to Presidents Carter and Reagan on combating terrorism, he was involved in the Iranian Hostage Crisis and credited with helping to shape the government's response to the skyjacking of TWA Flight 847 and the seizure of the Archillo Lauro.
As a result of his unique but extensive practical experiences, Mr. Cohen is internationally renowned as a corporate and governmental consultant on negotiating strategy, commercial dealings and crisis management.
Herb Cohen's analysis and insights into political strategy and international relations have appeared in many international publications, and he himself has been the subject of articles in Time Magazine, People, Playboy and The Economist. In these writings he has been referred to as, "America's foremost convention speaker, presenting serious subjects with such humor and dramatic flair that they become pure entertainment."
Herb is the author of You Can Negotiate Anything (Bantam Books) which was on the New York Times Bestseller List for over nine months and has been translated into fourteen languages and Negotiate This! By Caring But Not T-H-A-T Much. He has been a guest on The Tonight Show, Good Morning America, Nightline, and The Larry King Show on both radio and television
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