Barbara Corcoran
Real Estate Mogul & Bestselling Author of Shark Tales How I Turned $1,000 into a Billion Dollar Business

Founder of The Corcoran Group & Bestselling author of Shark Tales How I Turned $1,000 into a Billion Dollar Business.
Barbara Corcoran Inc. was founded by real estate entrepreneur Barbara Corcoran in 2005 as the latest endeavor in her high- profile, multi-faceted, and highly successful career. This multi- media company blends Barbara’s real estate expertise and her growing media presence in a one-of-a-kind package that taps Barbara’s many talents.
As founder of The Corcoran Group, Barbara used her ingenuity, quick wits, and solid instincts to turn a $1,000 loan into a multi-billion dollar business. In the 28 years Barbara ran the company, she honed her skills in marketing, negotiating, innovating, and surviving in the lean times and thriving in the good times—everything you need to know to establish, run, and grow a business. Then, in 2001, Barbara sold the company for over $70 million.
Barbara next put her entrepreneurial knowledge down on paper, penning the best selling, unconventional business book If You Don’t Have Big Breasts, Put Ribbons on Your Pigtails. The book is aptly sub-titled And Other Business Lessons I Learned From My Mom, as Barbara credits her mom’s good sense and positive vision with giving her the tools she needed to succeed so fabulously in the notoriously cut throat world of NewYork real estate. Her second book, Nextville: Amazing Places to Live the Rest of Your Life, is fast on its way to becoming her second best seller.
As a much-in-demand motivational speaker, and now a bestselling author, Barbara has successfully transitioned from her role as head of The Corcoran Group to that of popular television personality. Today Barbara is the real estate contributor to NBC’s TODAY Show and a ‘shark’ on the ABC reality show Shark Tank. She can also be seen on HGTV’s Top Ten and LXTV’s Price Fix. In addition, Barbara is a regular columnist for the New York Daily News and MORE Magazine.
Have you seen Barbara Corcoran speak? What did you think?