The Student Leadership Challenge

Derived from the classic leadership book The Leadership Challenge, 4th edition, this is a short primer on the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership for students. Grounded in the same extensive research as the best selling The Leadership Challenge, it uses examples and language to which students in higher education can relate. It also features reflective and critical thinking activities at the end of each chapter to help students engage in each of the Five Practices. Kouzes and Posner, the premier leadership experts working today, demonstrate how anyone can be a leader, regardless of age or experience. They prompt students to address current challenges and cynicisms which may seem insurmountable and empower them to accomplish the extraordinary things of which they are capable. With engaging stories and keen insights, the authors delve into the fundamental aspects of leadership to help students keep pace with our ever-changing world. The authors also take this opportunity to underscore that not only is leadership everyone's business, but that it is a relationship -- one of personal self-development and the development of those being led.
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